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New from Penn Elcom, CROSS 3 is here to revolutionise cable crossovers and redefine the industry standard.
Forged from high-quality thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), CROSS 3 is a three-channel crossover that gives you unrivalled strength, abrasion resistance and flexibility, with NEW fire retardant technology. CROSS 3’s superior performance makes it the clear choice for any working environment, whether indoor or outdoor. Cross 3 was revealed to the public earlier this week at the CUE 2018 expo in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, a biennial trade show for events, installation and entertainment technology, where it was extremely well received.
![Layout of the functionality and usability of the Cross3](https://www.penn-elcom.com/media/wysiwyg/cross_closer_look_image.png)
![Layout of the functionality and usability of the Cross3](https://www.penn-elcom.com/media/wysiwyg/cross_closer_look_image.png)
- Fire retardant (DIN EN 13501-1).
- Standard dimension of 110cm - 10% longer than standard cable crossovers!
- Coloured lids can be changed.
- Fixed lid in drive-over position.
- Quick and easy assembly.
- MAX PERFORMANCE: anti-sliding pads available for hexagonal base.