Penn Colleagues Answer Fun Questions

Penn colleagues were given a few questions, let's hear their answers
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Penn Colleagues Answer Fun Questions

We like to give colleagues a chance to do something a little fun here at Penn Elcom and this month, we put them to a test with a series of interesting and probing questions to answer.

Of course, we didn't pick just ordinary questions - to answer them colleagues needed to be a bit more creative than usual... it certainly resulted in some very entertaining examples! Without further ado, here's a selection of the best answers we received, in no particular order:


Q: One of your favourite movies and why?

Baby Driver - I love car chases
Dan J, UK Sales

Johnny English – Very funny and love watching it with my boys
Martin P, UK Sales

Pretty Woman – Julia Roberts is completely stunning and was one of my childhood favourite actresses
Marie B, UK Sales

The Pursuit of Happyness – I like the story of a man doing such a great effort to stand on his feet
Gerson V, Guatemala Sales

The Fast and the Furious 1 & 2 – because I like cars
Kevin D, Guatemala Sales

Catch Me If You Can - It's showing everything is possible, based on a true story
Martin D, Global Production

Bohemian Rhapsody - I love Queen and Freddie Mercury. I went to see it three times when it came out.
Bethan F, UK Sales

Twilight Saga - I love the way Stephanie Meyer writes; she makes me feel like I'm a character in the movie.
Mariam D, Guatemala Sales

Lord of the Rings - I fell in love with it, as my first proper boy crush was Legolas (Orlando Bloom)
Dominique J , UK Sales


Q: A ‘guilty pleasure’ pop song?

Lil Nas X - Old Town Road
Brent W, US Sales

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
Sam R, UK Sales

Vanilla Ice - Ice Ice Baby
Dan J, UK Sales

Katy Perry - Teenage Dream
Daniel C, Guatemala Sales

Hall & Oates - I Can’t Go For That
Dale G, Canada GM

Chayanne - Fiesta En América
Raul O, Chile Sales

Fergie - London Bridge
Bethan F, UK Sales


Q: An electronic device you can’t live without (not phone)?

A fridge, it keeps the food tasty
Adam S, US Product Design

I would have to say two things - my fridge and slow high pressure cooker
Carlos M, Chile GM

A baby bottle steriliser
Martin P, UK Sales

Vernier calipers. How else would I continue to serve Penn Elcom so unfailingly?
Sam R, UK Sales

A car (if that counts)
Bethan F, UK Sales

Simple - a washing machine

Kevin D, Guatemala Sales


Q: If you had one million dollars for an hour and could only spend it on eBay, how would you spend it?

Cars, bikes and boats
Adam S, US Product Design

Cars and houses
Brent W, US Sales

I’d buy a really expensive car for a million and then after the hour I would sell it, bank the cash and live off the interest
Dan J, UK Sales

My wife will open an account and offer one teddy from my son which I'll buy for the full million. Then I've time to think about what kind of organisation needs urgent help
Martin D, Global Production

I would set myself as a seller and sell myself an ‘antique object’.
Carlos M, Chile GM


Q: What is your favourite sport / team / player and why?

Basketball - Detroit Pistons because they’re close to home
Dale G, Canada GM

Ice Skating
Chloe C, UK Sales

Football - Crystal Palace and player is Ronaldo (best player to ever live)
Martin P, UK Sales

American Football - it’s highly competitive with outstanding athletes. My favourite athlete is 22-year-old Saquon Barkley - a 234lb rookie for the New York Giants. In his first year in the NFL he ran through the best defences in the league.
Adam S, US Product Design

American Football - San Francisco 49ers. Jerry Rice, the best to ever play the position for his work ethic and obsession/passion to be the absolute best at his craft
Brent W, US Sales

Gymnastics – British Olympian Max Whitlock
Nigel H, UK LED

Swimming - I do love it as I used to swim for my city, Sunderland. Love when it’s on the Olympics
Dominique J, UK Sales

Soccer - Argentina. I like their history, my uncle passed that on to me. Lionel Messi for how he analyses the next move he will be making in the game
Gerson V, Guatemala Sales


Q: If you could bring any fashion style back, what would it be?

80’s LA glam rock like Motley Crue and Whitesnake
Bethan F, UK Sales

Butterfly hair clips
Chloe C, UK Sales

30s or 40s where elegance was elegance.
Carlos M, Chile GM:

It seems like everything has come back - from Converse, Vans, neon stuff, Spandex and Ray-Bans
Brent W, US Sales

Nigel H, UK LED

80s and I would dress like Marty McFly from Back to the Future
Daniel C, Guatemala Sales


Q: What’s your signature dish?

Thai green curry
Nigel H, UK LED

Mine would have to be a frozen pizza, as I can’t seem to cook
Chloe C, UK Sales

Slimming World prawn curry
Dominique J, UK Sales

Smoked salmon pasta with pesto, cherry tomatoes, olives and mozzarella
Adam S, US Product Design

Casuelas (Chilean cuisine)
Raul O, Chile Sales

Tri-tip steak made in the sous-vide cooker
Brent W, US Sales

Casu Marzu
Dan J, UK Sales


Q: Name one place in the world you haven't been, but would love to go?

China - to see the Terracotta Army
Nigel, Marie & Dominique

Maldives or Bora Bora
Bethan F, UK Sales

Canada & Japan
Sam R, UK Sales

London - to see the Emirates Stadium
Daniel C, Guatemala Sales

Dubai – to see all the infrastructure
Gerson V, Guatemala Sales

Montana, USA - to see Yellowstone National Park
Adam S, US Product Design

Vatican City - to see the Sistine Chapel
Raul O, Chile Sales


Q: What was the last TV show you binge-watched?

The Apprentice
Carlos M, Chile GM

The Blacklist
Dan & Martin

Line of Duty
Brent W, US Sales

Britain’s Got Talent
Martin D, Global Production

I’m a documentary freak so anything crime / police / culture related
Marie B, UK Sales

I just finished Game of Thrones after watching the final two seasons in one day
Bethan F, UK Sales

Breaking Bad
Sam & Kevin (Sam for the second time)


A very big ‘thank you’ to everyone who sent in their answers – we wish we could include them all!

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