The Integrated Systems Europe Show 2019

ISE Amsterdam 2019
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The Integrated Systems Europe Show 2019

As one of the largest Audio-Visual and systems integrator shows in Penn Elcom’s exhibition calendar, we were very much looking forward to our stand at the Integrated Systems Europe show in February this year. Not only is the ISE show one of the world’s top in our sector - always debuting ground-breaking new technology and hardware - but it also had its best attendee numbers to date as well.

As one of the last dates at the famous RAI Centre in Amsterdam, the ISE show is due to move to Barcelona in 2021 so we were sure not to miss out. At our prominent space, Penn was ideally positioned to meet and greet a huge number of interested visitors as well as some of our good customers who were also exhibiting there. Several even had Penn Elcom products on show at their stand!

We set our stand up primarily to display our top-of-the-line 19-inch rack enclosures and our excellent CROSS 3 and 5 cable protectors. We sent Penn representatives Dennis Meertens, Sébastien Lesourd, Dan Johnson, Lars Mueller, and Denis Hoogesteger who had their hands full each day with the high level of visitors from all over the world that they received.

Our stand at ISE Amsterdam 2019Our stand at ISE Amsterdam 2019

As the show closed, the feedback was very good and we asked Sébastien Lesourd for his thoughts:

What do you think customers found particularly interesting?

“The R6400-RHF wall bracket showed customers how clever our design teams are, to be able to transform a normal wall rack into a double wall rack is just amazing and nobody else offers this!

The R1497 and R1498 rack shelves with cutouts for Sonos, Apple TV, Sky and others also saw a lot of interest. Customers were impressed by the possibility to make whatever they required as Penn Elcom has the machines and knowledge to offer a huge variety of custom work.”


As our attendees each returned with new contacts, leads and customers, we can safely say that the show was another success for Penn Elcom.

Another angle on our stand at ISE Amsterdam 2019Another angle on our stand at ISE Amsterdam 2019
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