Visitors looking for a uniquely themed stay in King’s Cross, London will be pleasantly surprised to find the quirky Megaro Hotel. Created largely as an homage to British pop culture, the independently run hotel has several rooms each outfitted in a different and original design style.
Three of the four rooms have been designed using Penn Elcom flight case components in a very unusual and striking way - as interior design features! Longtime Penn customer Flight Case Warehouse’s Steve Austin came to us with a component order that didn’t actually make up traditional working flight cases. He let us know that the plan for these parts was going to be a very different one from his usual customer requests!

The Megaro’s Design Rooms were created by British artist Henry Chebaane whose vision for them utilised tables, headboards, shelves, cabinets and drawers made using Penn’s flight case hardware.
Now complete and installed, they work extraordinarily well as the gleaming PennBrite finish complements his bespoke wallpaper, invoking a Victorian steampunk feel in one room, while another creates a theatrical space-age mood reminiscent of a Dr. Who set.

It’s an exciting project and shows that Penn Elcom’s hardware is synonymous with the British music industry and the style and glamour that goes along with it. We can’t wait to see where our flight case hardware will pop up next!